
I occasionally get suggestions of places to go by customers.  Some of these places pique my interest and I immediately look and work out how to get there. Dovercourt was one such place.

Dovercourt has cast iron towers, high and low lighthouses were built in 1863 to worked as leading lights, guided vessels around Landguard Point. They were erected in 1863 on moveable bases so they could be realigned as the channel changed. They were discontinued in 1917 and were restored in the 1980’s.

Dovercourt is the most easterly point of Essex, so it stands to reason that the best time to visit is at dawn. This time of year, the sun comes up a little later, so I could stay in bed a little longer before driving an hour to get to the coast. It’s my first time there and I get a little lost trying to find the structures on the beach. So, I arrive just after sunrise. There are other photographers already here.  Although I am rushing, and panicking that I have missed the pertinent moment, I find that the sun is in an almost perfect position in the clouds. I find a spot from which I can take some photos.

The towers are interesting structures. One stands on the damp sand. The tide is out (I had checked the tides before deciding when to come here, because I wanted to make sure that the tide was out or at least very low) and the tower reflects beautifully in the damp sand. With the sun behind it the tower is almost in silhouette. It is a most wonderful place; I am SO pleased that I came. I have not brought a tripod, as I should have and have to take some time to play around with the settings until I get an image that I am happy with. 

I walk along the beach to find a variety of angles. Being in the shadow of the huge 14m tower the one in the shallows looks taller than it’s 8m.  The taller tower is beautiful with the dawn light on it but the background is the town and not quite so interesting. So, I concentrate on the smaller one, although the photo that I take I think works well against the sun. The structure is golden in the morning sun.

I really enjoyed my morning here, and vow to come back, a little later in the year perhaps and see what effect the winter has on the views here, but I am really pleased with my photos and am struggling to choose my favourite. There will be several images, I think, that will make it as prints. Feel free to tell which one is your favourite.


Rainham Marshes


Hermit crabs